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Saint William's

Catholic Primary School

and Nursery

With God we are strong together; we can achieve together.

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Jubilee Launch Day

Today, we launched the Year of the Jubilee 2025 within school. This is named the Pilgrims of Hope. At our assembly, we looked at the wall display that Mrs Houghton has been working on, thinking about how, as a school, we can go on a journey where we are helping others. I have asked the children to come up with different ideas and share them with the school council.

The children also created their own individual pledges about what they 'hope' for during this year. These included 'I hope that we can give food to a food bank', 'I hope that we can raise money from a cake sale', 'I hope that we can visit the lonely and sick in a care home' and 'I hope that I can get closer to God'. All these hopes will be displayed on our wall display.

During Lent, we will be attempting to walk 1090 miles (from BEBCMAT Offices to Rome) as a school - this will include children, families, staff and hopefully some of our governors and parishioners. More information will be coming out soon.
