

Welcome to

Saint William's

Catholic Primary School

and Nursery

With God we are strong together; we can achieve together.

Contact Us

Contact Details

Term Dates

Opening Hours 

St William's Catholic Primary School and Nursery is open from 8:45am for registration and closes at 3:30pm.

The school register closes at 9am.

Any child arriving at school after this time will be marked as late which is classed as unauthorised. 


Every school day matters

Every lesson is a valuable learning opportunity to take learning forward.  Every missed lesson is a missed opportunity to learn.

Term Dates 

Listed below are our term dates /holiday dates for  2024-25, 2025- 2026 will be published soon. If you want a printable copy or a holiday request form, please click on the relevant link and they will appear in a new window.


Penalty Notices 

You may be aware that the Department for Education has recently announced national changes to penalty notices issued for unauthorised absence in term time. These changes will come into effect on 19 August 2024.

Below is a document outlining the new rules 
