

Welcome to

Saint William's

Catholic Primary School

and Nursery

With God we are strong together; we can achieve together.

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What have we been up to?

Shape Rockets
The children enjoyed making shape rockets for the Knott End and Preesall Gala artwork competition. They did a fantastic job! πŸš€ πŸ’«πŸͺ

Minibeast Hunt
In Nursery, we had lots of fun on our minibeast hunt. The children enjoyed looking at the pictures and searching for the different minibeasts outside.πŸͺ±πŸžπŸ•·οΈπŸŒ

The Leaf Thief

The children in nursery read ‘The Leaf Thief’ and went on a leaf hunt with Miss Armer. We also made leaf pictures, played in our sensory leaf tray and explored our small world woodland tuff tray. In Maths, we have done lots of counting too! The children have loved playing outside. πŸŒΏπŸ˜ƒ

The Gruffalo

In Nursery, we read ‘The Gruffalo’. The children made their own Gruffalo faces with Mrs Higginson. 


We had lots of fun at Sparklers this Easter! 

World Book Day

Nursery had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day. The children looked amazing! 


In Maths, we’ve had lots of fun learning about shapes- playing shape games and exploring shapes in the continuous provision. We’ve also been comparing length and weight.



Owl Babies
In Nursery we read the story ‘Owl Babies’. The children played with our small world owl tuff tray, made pictures of owl babies and drew owls using oil pastels.  The children also enjoyed ordering the pictures from the story. 

Chinese New Year
What a lovely morning we had celebrating Chinese New Year. We coloured pictures, made bookmarks with our names on, found out what year it was when we were born and used our fine motor skills to move rice from one bowl to another.

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
In Nursery, we read ‘Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?’ and ‘The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud’. The children loved playing with our small world polar bear tuff tray. We made polar bear masks, drew polar bear pictures, painted polar bears and cut pictures from the story. 


The children were so excited to see snow! We had lots of fun catching snowflakes and playing in the snow. 


The children had a fantastic yoga session with Yogi company. It was a lovely, calm session where we completed lots of stretches and mini activities. 


Our topic this half term is 'Winter'. We began by reading 'Perky Little Penguins' and the children made penguin pictures for display. The children enjoyed playing with our penguin tuff tray too! 

Last week, we read 'The Snowflake and the Star.' We created a handprint snowflake, made snowflake pictures and explored the winter sensory tray. 
In Maths, we read 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children have been joining in with lots of counting activities linked to this story. 


We’ve had lots of fun in Nursery this Christmas!  We’ve read lots Christmas stories, joined in with a variety of Christmas craft activities and decorated our Christmas tree together. We had so much fun at our Christmas party too! 

Play and Bee Role Play Centre

We had a great time on our trip to Play and Bee Role Play Centre. The children had so much fun exploring the various shops and job roles. The children were brilliant! 


The children in Nursery enjoyed performing ‘The Big Little Nativity’ with the rest of the school. The children were amazing! 

Winter Wonderland 

The children have been exploring the school grounds, looking for signs of winter. They were all excited to spot the frost and ice that had covered our outdoor area. 


In Nursery, we've read lots of books linked to our topic. We read 'How Do You Make a Rainbow?’ and ‘The Rainbow Fish’. We created a class rainbow with coloured objects, continued our collage rainbow and made Rainbow Fish paper plates. In Maths, we have been learning about patterns and exploring patterns in the continuous provision. We have really enjoyed our Physical Development sessions with Fleetwood Town. Miss Nobblett also surprised the children by driving her tractor into the playground. The children really enjoyed being the driver!


In Nursery, we began our new topic ‘Colours of the Rainbow’. We read ‘Elmer’ and ‘Elmer and the Rainbow’, looking at the different colours on Elmer’s body. The children have enjoyed singing ‘The Rainbow Song’ together. We have drawn and decorated our own Elmer pictures, created amazing rainbow name art, explored our rainbow Elmer tuff tray and made a class collage rainbow. We’ve had lots of fun outside too! 


We had so much fun in Nursery! The children loved dressing up in their scary costumes! Some children took part in the pumpkin competition and brought in their amazing carved pumpkins. We also made paper plate pumpkins and monsters to take home. After school, children were invited to the Halloween disco with the rest of school. The Nursery children had lots of fun- dancing and singing with their friends. 

Our Bodies and Being Healthy 

In Nursery, we have been learning about our bodies and being healthy. We had fun reading our information books about body parts, making body biscuits, completing body jigsaws and drawing around ourselves. The children enjoyed labelling their body too! We have also been talking about being healthy and eating healthy foods. We read ‘Germs Are Not For Sharing’, made a healthy fruit salad and drew a healthy plate to take home. The children loved our doctors tuff tray and cleaning our pretend teeth! In Maths, we have been singing ‘Five Currant Buns’ and focusing on counting to five. The children enjoyed making play dough currant buns and counting five currant buns onto five plates. 


In Nursery, we talked about Harvest. We enjoyed listening to some Harvest songs, talking about Harvest with Mrs Higginson and printing pictures with fruit and vegetables. 


In Nursery, we have been talking about family. We’ve read ‘The Family Book’ by Todd Parr and ‘Our Class is a Family’. The children have drawn their family, had fun exploring our family tuff tray, printed their hands and made house biscuits together. The children made Mini-Me figures  and couldn’t wait to play with them! We also talked about how we are all part of God’s family too. We made special name hearts to hang on our RE display. 


One of our lovely parishioners came to tell us that many beautiful butterflies were in the grounds behind the church. We decided to put on our coats and set off to have a look. The children were amazed to see lots of fluttering butterflies. When we were very quiet, we could get very close to them and look at their markings. 


Class Library 

We love listening to stories and looking at books in Nursery. This week, we opened our class library and the children were excited to choose a book to take home. 

Welcome Back

We’ve had a wonderful first week back at Nursery. The children have been settling in and exploring the continuous provision. We started our new topic ‘Good To Be Me’ and created faces in our class tuff tray. We also read ‘Super Duper You’ together and and the children enjoyed looking at the pictures. All the children have settled in really well and we are all looking forward to the year ahead! 

On the Farm

We’ve had lots of fun learning about farm animals and jobs farmers have to do. We enjoyed reading ‘On the Farm’ and ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ together. The children loved looking at the pictures and joining in with the words from the story. We also had a special visitor in Nursery! Mrs Hay came to talk to the children about farm animals and jobs at the farm. The children were able to to meet and stroke baby chicks as well as investigate some sheep’s wool. 

Sports Day

Nursery had so much fun at sports day! The children completed a running race, a quoit race and a bat and bean bag race. They were all amazing! 

Blackpool Zoo Trip- June 2023

Nusery had an amazing trip to the zoo today! We started with an educational talk and the children had the opportunity to touch and explore an elephant tooth, parrot feathers, camel fur and snake skin. The children were fascinated by all the different objects. The children also had the opportunity to touch a hissing cockroach. 
We enjoyed exploring the zoo and all the different animals. The children listened to many talks during the day. They especially loved watching the sea lions perform and show off. During the giraffe talk, the children had the opportunity to hold a giraffe bone from the top part of a leg- it was bigger than some of our children! Overall, a day to remember! 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 

The children have really enjoyed reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ in Nursery. We did lots of ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ activities, including a caterpillar hunt, making paper chain caterpillars and painting symmetrical butterflies. We had lots of caterpillar themed snack times and the children enjoyed making their snacks. The children also loved taking their learning outdoors- creating a human butterfly and making a caterpillar picture using natural resources. 


We continued our Growing Plants topic by reading ‘The Tiny Seed’ and ‘Sam Plants a Sunflower’.

We planted sunflower seeds, made wooden stick sunflowers and painted sunflower pictures. The children enjoyed exploring our sunflower picture tuff tray- creating images of sunflowers from beans, buttons and gems. We’ve been looking at pictures of sunflowers, talking about the different parts of a plant. The children also enjoyed playing with flowers in our water tray outside and had fun collecting natural objects to create a huge sunflower picture outside. 

Coronation Celebration

Today, we celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III. We invited families in to join in with a picnic and then took part in a school performance by singing “If You’re a King and You Know It’. 

Jack and the Beanstalk 

As part of our Growing Plants topic, Nursery read the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children really enjoyed this story - drawing and painting beanstalk pictures to go on display. We have planted beans, recreated the giant’s castle and made magic harps with sticks and wool. We have also used masks to role-play the characters from the story. The children have developed many areas of learning during this topic. 




The children in Nursery had lots of fun this Easter. They joined in with whole school Easter activities, made Easter crafts to take home and went on an Easter egg hunt with their friends. We also talked about the importance of The Easter Story- creating handprint cross pictures. 

Forest Schools

Nursery had another wonderful Forest Schools session with Mrs Woodhouse. To begin, we read the story ‘The Princess and The Wizard’ and sang circle time songs. We made a birthday cake for the princess and counted seven candles. We made a magic wand for the fairy, using the leaves to make patterns. We also made a web for the spiders in the story by weaving wool in the trees. The children developed lots of new outdoor skills and listened carefully. 

Adventures Below the Clouds
To finish this half term, Nursery read ‘Sharing a Shell’ and ‘Hooray for Fish’. We’ve enjoyed joining in with lots of different activities linked to these stories. The children explored our beach small world tray, made salt dough shell fossils and painted/decorated shell and fish pictures. The children also made a paper plate fish, sticking on collage pieces independently. 

Forest Schools 

We had so much fun with Mrs Woodhouse during our Forest Schools session. We made a stick family- ordering the five family members by size. We collected ‘treasures’ from the woodland area to create pictures of Stick Man and his family. We made our own paint from strawberries and beetroot. The children had to crush and mash the berries, adding more or less pressure. We then used potatoes to print patterns and brushes to make marks. Finally, we used spinach to create flags, “Hooray For Stick Man.” The children had to pierce and thread the leaves onto the stick. 

Adventures Above the Clouds

We’ve been having so much fun in Nursery!  

The children have read ‘Zoom, Rocket, Zoom’,’How to Catch a Star’ and ‘Aliens in Underpants Save the World’. We’ve enjoyed making name rockets- placing a square on the rocket for each letter. The children have also been creating alien characters with play dough, making rockets in the construction area and baking star biscuits for snack time. The ‘Zoom, Rocket, Zoom’ tuff tray was also a big hit!

World Book Day

The children enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day. The costumes were fantastic! Do you recognise any characters? 

School Family Picnic 

Today, Sparklers joined Class 1 at a family picnic. It was lovely to see all the children together and enjoying their time eating and playing. It was also a fantastic opportunity to allow the parents to look at all the work we have been doing in the outside area too. Thank you to everyone who joined us today. 

Communication and Language/Literacy

We have been doing lots of work based upon 'The Enormous Turnip' and 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' that is helping us develop our Communication and Language and also our Literacy skills.

Expressive Arts and Design

Throughout this term we have improved our expressive arts and design skills through different themes, including; Winter, Bonfire Night and through our Literacy topics.


In Maths we have learning about and improving our skills across a variety of strands in the Framework - these have been linked to other areas, including; PSED, PD and EAD.

Physical Development

Throughout the Autumn term we have strived to improve ALL of our PD competencies and have done it through the other 6 areas of learning as well as through dedicated PD sessions.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

During the first term of the 2022/2023 year we have done lots of work with the children to try to hone their PSED. This has been done through all areas of the EYFS framework and also through specific PSED sessions.

Understanding The World

The UTW area of the Early Years framework encompasses all of the other 6 areas and through these we have extended the children's skills and knowledge so that they have a greater understanding of their world and the wider world.
