Class 2 - What have we been up to?
Scooter safe
Year 3 and 4 children have taken part in a 6 week programme learning about how to ride their scooters safely. They have had different obstacles to manoeuvre around. It has been very interesting and all the children have developed their skills.
PE- staying active
PSHE- staying safe
Red Cross First Aid Course
Year 5 and 6 children had a session of first aid with the Red Cross. I can’t believe how much they learnt in such a short time. The maturity shown in this session was excellent and how they were able to articulate what to do was amazing to hear.
PSHE- basis first aid
Mental Health Awareness Day
Today we recognised mental health awareness day. This afternoon we had workshops from Yogi Group, Healthy Heads by Rob Larcombe and I ran a session all about team work and how exercise and fun can promote healthy minds and wellbeing. The children all seemed to enjoy it and it was amazing to see the teamwork and support that they all gave. Here are just a few of the pictures that we took today.
Saint William's Harvest Mass
Thank you to all the children, parents and parishioners that joined us for our Harvest Mass in church and back in school for bacon and sausage sandwiches. It was lovely to welcome people into our school, I'm hoping that it may become a regular occurrence.
Over the last half term, the children in year 3 and 4 have been learning all about circuits, how to create different circuits and how to work in a methodical way when a circuit isn’t working.
Excellent work children- I have seen some budding electricians throughout the term.
Science- electricity
PSHE- teamwork
Physical Education
At St William’s we believe that sport and exercise are very important. We promote healthy lifestyles by asking that healthy lunches are provided. Children are encouraged and rewarded to run the daily mile and it is evident that individual fitness levels are improving.
The children receive at least 2 hours of quality PE each week, led either by their class teacher or by Fleetwood Town.
On Wednesday afternoon, children from Lion class attended a tag rugby event organised by Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School. The BEBCMAT inter-school event gave the children a valuable opportunity to meet and compete with children from other schools in the trust. The children were put on teams with children from the other schools and took part in training sessions led by Fylde Rugby Club, then took part in games against each other. The children had an amazing time and built on the rugby skills we’ve been developing in PE this term. I saw lots of sportsmanship, effort and resilience from every child. They represented our school well and should be proud of how well they did. A big thank you goes out to all those involved in organising and running this event. Mr Wood
Dogs Trust
The children spent the morning learning about the ABCs of dog care (Affection, Busy, Choice) and to recognise how dogs use signals to communicate. The children started with an assembly in the hall before heading to their classrooms for workshops with their classmates.
Tennis Competition
Eight children attended a Tennis competition at Rossall School on Wednesday. The children really enjoyed this experience and showed good potential.
PE & Sport- Tennis
Blue Moose Dance Session
The children in key stage 2 had a full day of dance creating a practicing a dance to be performed at Sports Day.
PE & Sport- Dance
Cricket Competition
Representatives from years 5 and 6 went to the cricket competition. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and they came back with new skills from the training session that was provided.
PE & Sport- Competitive sport
Post Assessment Celebration
The children in key stage 2 enjoyed a post assessment celebration - a water fight followed by party games. This was well deserved!
During the Science lesson today, the children tested different materials to check the level of friction. To do this, they explored the key stage 1 ride on toys.
Science- Friction
PSHE- Groupwork
Snow day
This morning, we woke up to snow! The excitement was definitely high in school, especially when we told them that we could go out to play in it. We got dressed in our snow gear and had a great time. Just look at the smiles
PSHE- friendships
PSHE - teamwork
PE- throwing
Christmas Party
I hope the children have had as much fun as us at their Christmas Party. We ran out of time but managed to cram so much into their 2.5 hours. We had a dance competition, pin the nose on the reindeer, photo props, build a snowman, musical chairs, chocolate six, pass the parcel and a snowball fight. This was in addition to the party food (they might not have been overly hungry tonight). Some of the photos are blurry because the children could not stand still long enough to have a decent photo taken.
Great behaviour shown, and the best bit of the afternoon for me was to see the children making sure that nobody was left out!
Mrs Hogarth
Advent Themes
This morning the children worked with Mrs Hogarth to think about the 4 themes of Advent- Hope, Joy, Peace and Love. They thought about the stories in the Bible that reflected these themes, talked about symbols that show them and how our actions promote them. The children then had to discuss the following
- What colour would represent the theme? Why?
- What chocolate bar would represent each theme? Why?
The discussions were amazing and very deep!
Religious Education- Advent
PSHE- Working in groups
Yoga wellbeing session
On Tuesday, the children had a fantastic morning completing a Yoga wellbeing session with Amy from a company called Yogi. The children in Meerkats class gave lots of positive feedback about how much they enjoyed the session and how it made them feel relaxed. Thank you to Amy for leading such an amazing session!
History trip - Museum of Lancashire
On the first day of half term, the children visited the Museum of Lancashire in Preston. The children took part in a number of fun, informative and interactive activities linked to World War II. In the first activity they discovered the role of a WWII secret agent. They learned tricks of the trade and got in character and were interrogated to try and catch them out. After this, they learned about aerial reconnaissance during WWII at RAF Medmenham. They were given the opportunity to learn how to interpret real pictures taken during WWII to spot targets of interest. The third activity saw them learn about D-Day preparations. Finally, the children learned about the code breakers from Bletchley Park and had a fun time decoding messages sent through Morse code.
This was a brilliant learning opportunity for the children of KS2 to immerse themselves in their history topic for this half term - World War II. The children all had a lot of funs and so did the adults that accompanied them!
Opening of the running track
Today, Cat Smith came and opened the running track . It was great to see parents and governors supporting this event (and some running the mile with the children). Cat has spent the afternoon with the children discussing her role in parliament and the process in which an election takes place; this was informative and the children asked some interesting questions.
PSHE - Citizenship
PE - Active Mile
Coronation Celebrations
Today, we celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III. We were very fortunate to have so many family join us for the picnic, and to watch us showcase what we have been learning about in regards to the Coronation.
Thursday 20th April
Lion Class had great fun learning about irreversible materials. Red and Blue Group made lemon squash into lemonade and also tested the pH levels of both to see if there was a chemical change. (There was! when bicarbonate of soda is introduced the mix becomes more alkaline). Green group investigated what chemical change occured when making plaster of paris shapes. (The mix became hotter as time went by).
Wednesday 22nd March: Cricket
While Lion class was away on their exciting school trip to Gawthorpe Hall, Meerkat class spent the afternoon working with cricket coaches from Fylde Coast Cricket Coaching. The children had lots of fun doing the different activities the coaches set up for them. They spent time developing their catching, throwing, and batting skills during this session.
If your child would like to continue playing cricket, the coaches recommended visiting your local cricket club to take part in dynamos (8-11 years old) or all stars (5-8 years old).
English: William Shakespeare trip to Gawthorpe Hall for Years 5 and 6
On Wednesday 22nd March Lion Class visited Gawthorpe Hall as part of their unit on Older Literature. We have been studying Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' and it was a fantastic culmination to the unit. The children learnt about all the new words that William Shakespeare invented; puking, gossip, zany to name but a few. They also learnt about needlework from his era, what he looked like and how he signed his name alongside how to act and how to engage and take part in a sword fight. Everybody had a fantastic time. Thank you to all of the adults that helped with transportation.
Science: Rocks and fossils
Our science topic this half term in meerkat class is rocks and fossils. Over the past few weeks, the children have been learning all about the different types of rocks and fossils. This has included some hands-on experiences. The most recent of which saw the children become palaeontologists for the afternoon. They had lots of fun using similar tools to unearth and learn more about fossils!
Year 5 and 6 have been honing their cycling skills with the help of bikeability instructors this week.
World Book Day
What a lovely day we have had celebrating World Book Day. The children all looked great in their costumes and enjoyed guessing what other people are dressed up as.
English- Reading
Glow Dodgeball
All the children in school today experienced Glow Dodgeball, it was great fun and the children certainly worked hard. Great teamwork was shown in a very exciting atmosphere.
PE & Sport - Dodgeball and Teamwork
KS2 Christmas Party
All the children had a fantastic time at the Christmas Party. We played lots of party games; pass the parcel, musical statues and 'four corners' to name a few, as well as having some delicious goodies donated by the school community. A deserved treat after a very busy term.
History Enrichment Afternoon
As part of our History topic of Crime and Punishment we had visitors from Lancashire Constabulary and the PCSO department. This enabled the children to experience first hand how crime and punishment is different from other eras. They took part in trying on uniforms, breaking out of handcuffs, finger print analysis and being breathalysed - luckily nobody was over the limit!

Christmas Nativity
The children performed "It's a Baby" Nativity this year, telling us one of the most important stories ever told. For the children in Class 2, this was the first time that they have performed in front of an audience in a couple of years. They took on the role of the choir and they were all amazing, and all the staff were very proud of them.

History Enrichment Activities
Through our investigation into Crime and Punishment during the Victorian Era, the children took part in traditional punishments to see how they would feel (N.B. No children were hurt during these activities!!).
Picking Oakum - children had to set in rows and finely pick apart the strands of the rope without talking to or looking at anyone.
Shot Drill - children had to lift the heavy objects, move it to the next space and put it down. Repeat again and again and again.
The Treadwheel - children had to step up onto the bench, stand straight, step down and then step back up with the other foot. Keep repeating.
Silence and Isolation - children had to hold the end of a skipping rope in each hand and keep them taught between the 'prisoners'. They ah to keep moving around the room without the rope becoming slack. No talking or communication was allowed.
The children found it fascinating on how crimes were punished during the Victorian Era.

Wreath making
Today, the children had the opportunity to make their own class Advent Wreaths. They all worked well together and talked about the symbolic objects that are placed on the wreath. Thank you to Mrs Billington for coming in and supporting the children.
RE - Advent
PSHE - Working collaboratively

D + T - Photograph Frames
During this Design and Technology topic the children had to design, make and evaluate their photograph frames that were made for a specific purpose. Through the process, the children had to find ways to make paper stronger, make a stable structure that would stand up, design an aesthetically pleasing design and then construct it. I'm sure you'll agree, the results are fantastic.

Remembrance Sunday
All the children were very respectful during our school Remembrance service.
Some of the children then represented our school at the Cenotaph on Sunday.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
History: World War I and II
PSHE: Community
Roald Dahl - 13th September
Today, we celebrated Roald Dahl day with a house quiz. The children really enjoyed working together and answering the different questions about Roald Dahl's life and his successes.
English: Stories from a familiar author - Roald Dahl
PSHE: Teamwork
Beacon Fell Trip - July 2022
The children had a fantastic day at Beacon Fell, the activities were led by Mr Harding from Cardinal Allen High School. These included Orienteering, Pond Dipping, Mini Beast Hunt and Den Building.
Orienteering- PE - Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Mini Beast - Science- Living things in their habitats
Den Building - DT / PSHE
Pond Dipping- Science - Animals
Pond Dipping
Mini Beast Hunting
Den Building
Other Beacon Fell pictures
Year 6 Treat Trip
Year 6 have been to Brockholes on their treat trip today. It was a fantastic day, with children and staff taking part in Laser Clay Shooting, Krazy Karts and Archery. Well done to all involved.
PSHE - teamwork
PE- Shooting and Archery
Football Competition
Ten members of Class 2 represented our school in an interschool football competition. Every member of the team worked hard and supported each other. Fantastic effort from everyone and all the staff are very proud of you.
PE - Football skills and communication
Year 5 Activity Day at Saint Aidan's High School
Year 5 children have had a fantastic day at St Aidan's High School. They had lesson on Astronomy, the children asked some fabulous and in depth questions. Next was music singing, playing instruments and computer generated mixes. Then pond dipping in science, finding lots of bugs. The last lesson was maths, starting with times table bingo then jumping frogs puzzle.
Science- Astronomy / Animals in their habitats
Music - composing and playing
Maths- multiplication recall

Commonwealth Baton
What a fantastic opportunity taking part in the Baton Relay. Thank you to Fleetwood Charity for bringing it to us. Every pupil in school and nursery got to have a turn with the baton before sending it on its way to St John's. It was lovely to see family members supporting us as it left the school!
Queen's Platinum Jubilee
It was lovely to be able to celebrate such a momentous occasion with our wider community. The children were invited to dress up as members of the Royal Family and they entertained the crowds with their singing.
History - The Royal Family
Design and Technology
Class 2 researched, designed and made Moon Buggies involving a simple electronic circuit. They had to follow a set of instructions making sure that all the different elements were cut accurately. There was a great amount of teamwork supporting each other in order to make a buggy that moved.
Design and Technology- Moveable vehicles
Using a range of tools to measure and cut
Maths- measuring and cutting accurately
English- following instructions and writing the method
PSHE - teamwork and communication

The children in Year 5 took an active part in Bikeability. They had to complete various assessments to show that they were competent riders before they were allowed to progress to riding on the road. Once on the roads, they learnt how to position their bikes correctly and how to signal safely to tell other road users what their intentions were. All the children passed all the assessments, and proudly received a badge and certificate at the Celebration Assembly.
PSHE - Road Safety
PE- staying active
Bird Feeder Workshop
Mr Harding from Cardinal Allen High School led a workshop creating bird feeders. The children had to follow instructions carefully. They used recycled bottles which initiated a conversation about how we can reuse lots of different waste items. After completing the bird feeders, the children then took them to our outdoor space to enhance the nature areas.
PSHE - Recycling and Teamwork
Science- Living things and their habitats
English- Following instructions
Road and Fire Safety
A representative from Lancashire Fire and Rescue service came to work with all children from Year 2 to Year 6. She discussed what to do in the event of a fire and how to exit the house safely. The children soon learn that they needed to use the back of the hand to check for heat as they approached a closed door. They were all able to demonstrate the "Stop, Drop and Roll" technique. Year 5 and 6 also discussed road safety and the laws relating to using high back booster seats.
PSHE- Fire and Road Safety
Toys through the Eras
The children spent some time looking a toys from different eras. They looked at the similarities and differences, and noted that since the start of the 1900s, dolls and action figures have always been popular.
History - Toys through the ages
A Victorian Kitchen
During this session, the children were taught all about the Traditional Christmas Pudding, how it was made and where all the ingredients come from. The children were surprised to find out that ginger had travelled the furthest.
D+T- Food technology
Geography- where the ingredients have come from
History - Christmas traditions
Visiting Father Christmas
We were all fortunate enough to visit Father Christmas. He explained what Victorian children would receive in their stockings and why they were significant.
History - Victorian Era
PSHE/ RE - thinking about the less fortunate
The children were given a set of instructions to create a cornucopia to hang on their trees. They had to use their skills to make their decoration. Those that managed it got a little treat to take home.
Maths- 3d shapes and nets
Speaking and Listening- following instructions
Art and Design - collaging,
Glow Dodgeball
The children in Class 2 had a fantastic time playing Glow Dodgeball. They had a training session first to develop their skills and then went into a mini tournament between our 4 house teams.
PE- developing team work and ball skills
Advent Wreath Making - December 2021
The children in Class 2 created an Advent Wreath. We discussed the different symbolism and what they mean for us. This wreath will now be used in all our Prayer and Liturgies.
RE - Advent- preparing for Christmas
Witches and Wizards Disco
On Thursday 21st October, the children were invited to a Witches and Wizards Disco. They went on a trail to find lots of goodies in our school grounds, it was fantastic to see the older children taking care of the younger ones. They enjoyed lots of party games, dancing and food.
Witches and Wizards Disco
Witches and Wizards
The children had the opportunity to dress up as Witches and Wizards for the day. The lessons were themed around this, including reading parts of Harry Potter and completing spooky maths problems.

Daily Mile
We have reintroduced the Daily Mile to the children. Dependent on the weather, the children usually run 7 laps of the field during the afternoon breaktime. This week, we have timed the children to see how long it took them to run the mile. We will do the same after October half to see if individual fitness levels have improved.
All the children had a fantastic day learning all about Quidditch and playing the game. Throughout the day there were numerous opportunities to work in a team and develop certain skills.
PE- Teamwork and games
RE- Moses
Year 3 and 4 made these props to act out and describe the life of Moses.
RE - Significant people in the history of the Church
English- drama

The Lunchtime Library - September 2021
To encourage the love and joy of reading, we have introduced The Lunchtime Library which takes place every Tuesday and Friday lunchtime.
The library is set up outside in the playground, where children can borrow a book to share with a friend or read quietly by themselves. The older children, and members of staff, read stories to our younger children who are just starting out on their reading journey.
As you can see, the children are really enjoying using the library and we have had a very successful first week of being open!
School Council - September 2021
Well done to all the children who prepared their school council speeches. You all came up with some good ideas and it was a hard decision who to vote for.
Well done to the following children- George, Lilly- May, Anabelle, Lily, Alex and Emily.
Leavers Lunch - 20th July 2021
The year 6 children sat together with staff to eat a lovely lunch provided by our cook. We had the slide show of photos running, and it was great to reminisce with the children about their time at Saint Williams.
Year 6 Tree Top Trekking
The year 6 children enjoyed a trip to the lakes as their treat trip. They worked as a team to complete the course, as one of the boys said, "I couldn't have completed the last part without my friends."
Saint William's Ice Cream Parlour - Treat Trip 2021
All the children have been earning dojo points throughout the year. The winners were meant to be visiting a local ice cream parlour, unfortunately, due to covid, this had to be adapted. We set up our own ice cream parlour at school for the children to make their own. It was enjoyed by all!
Well done to all the children that were in the top 20 scorers.