

Welcome to

Saint William's

Catholic Primary School

and Nursery

With God we are strong together; we can achieve together.

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The Parish & Local Community

Saint Peter and Paul

Today, we had an early mass in church to celebrate the lives of Saint Peter and Paul. Thank you to Canon Paul who led the mass in our school. 

Stations of the Cross - Lent 2024 

The children visited the church to pray the Stations of the Cross today. They all had time to reflect on the Stations and have a period of silent prayer. 

Advent Celebration of the Word

The children and staff joined together to celebrate the first week of Advent. We set up our worship area, using our new Advent Wreath that the children created, we then used Luke's Gospel to talk about the importance of preparation. Over the next 4 weeks, we will see the light getting stronger as we prepare for Jesus's birth. 


Some of the children in Class 1 led a beautiful celebration of the word about the importance of saying thankyou. We read the scripture reading about the ten lepers and how some of them did not come back and say thank you. They asked us to reflect on what we are thankful for. 

The Wedding at Cana 

This week was the turn of a group of children from Monkey Class. Their Celebration of the Word was based on Jesus's first miracle where He turned water into wine. The children created posters and other resources to help their friends understand all about this piece of scripture. 

All Saints

Thank you to Father Embery for celebrating All Saints with the children and their families in school, albeit a little early. The children in Year 5 and 6 created fact files about some of the saints they felt were prominent and/ or linked to our school.  

Harvest Mass 

Thank you to Father Embery, who led a lovely school mass for Harvest. We took our offerings to church ready for it being collected and distributed to those who need.  


Thank you to the three children who led a lovely prayer and liturgy about Abraham and Sarah; how God asked them to give up everything and move away. They reflected on how we are asked to do things and sometimes don't want to do them. 

Prayer and Liturgy- The Tower of Babylon 

Thank you to the three children who led a lovely prayer and liturgy about the Tower of Babylon. All the children reflected on how important it was to spread the good news and 'build cities' wherever we go. 

Prayer and Liturgy- Cain and Abel 

Today, the children led the first child led prayer and liturgy of this academic year. Despite them being nervous, the children led the liturgy well talking about the importance of the two brothers and how this is relevant in our own lives. 

Parish Masses

The whole school, including Nursery, often take part in local parish masses. This year we have made notable contributions to these at; Advent Mass, Epiphany Mass and the Service of Ashes. We have more booked into our calendar for the rest of the Liturgical year. 

Palm Sunday 

The children re-enacted the events of Palm Sunday, this helped them to understand how Jesus felt and how the expectations of the crowd were different to the reality. 

Stations of the Cross

Every year, during Lent, the children are staff visit the Church to go on the pilgrimage of Jesus's final journey through the streets. This year, we were fortunate to have Father Embery to lead our reflections and prayers at each station.

Child-Led Prayer and Liturgy

Every week the children plan and conduct their own Prayer and Liturgy's which are based around the current weeks Liturgical theme.

Child-led Prayer and Liturgy- Zacchaeus 

Our prayer leaders this week took their liturgy outside as the sun was shining. They discussed how Jesus chose to go and eat at Zachaeus's house, and what message that gives to us. 

Ascension Mass 

It was lovely to go to church to celebrate the Ascension Mass with the parish community. For many of the Sparklers Nursery children, it was the first time that they have been in mass. Their behaviour, and the chidlren of the school was fantastic. 

Father Embery's homily talked about saying goodbye and related this to characters leaving a TV programme. 


Today, children in Class 2, prayed the Rosary together. For many of the children this was the first time that they have prayed in this way. Most children really enjoyed the experience and have asked to make it a regular thing. 

Easter Mass 

Today, we visited the Church for our pre Easter mass. We heard the passion, which is a story about Jesus's death. The children could relate to the story from what they learnt during the Stations of the Cross the previous day. 


Stations of the Cross 

What a lovely afternoon reflecting in front of the Stations of the Cross. The children in Class 2 had the opportunity to look at the stations, pray in front of them and reflect on what messages we can take into our own lives. 


World Day of Prayer 

Some of the children worked with Mrs Hogarth thinking about how we can take an active part in praying during the World Day of Prayer. 

Ash Wednesday

Today is the first day of Lent, we went across to church to receive the ashes. Father Embery talked about promises that we could make during Lent and how some of these promises involve sacrificing something.  



All the children and staff attended the mass for Epiphany. We thoughts about the gifts that had been given to Jesus by the Three Kings. The children came back to school and thought about gifts that they would give to Jesus. 

Christmas Mass 

Today, we celebrated a mass for Christmas. It is the first time we have been for a Parish mass since Covid, this made it extra special. 


It was lovely to have all our Parish Community together. 

Remembrance Day

Children from St William's Primary School and Nursery visited the centotaph at St John's Church. They took some time to reflect and prayed together. 


At school, we held our own service for the Armistice Day. It was a short service but the children commented on how it made them feel.  

