

Welcome to

Saint William's

Catholic Primary School

and Nursery

With God we are strong together; we can achieve together.

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Class 1 - What have we been up to?

Church visit 

Today, we went to church to have a look around and to explore the different symbolic items. The children asked some amazing questions; we even had to invite Canon Embery in to answer them. 

Sports Day 

What a fantastic afternoon we have had for sports day. The children all tried their best and had a great time. Well done to all involved. 

PE & Sport - Competition
PE & Movement - Dance

Blue Moose Dance 

On Thursday, the children in key stage 1 worked alongside the Blue Moose Dance company to learn a dance ready to perform on Sports Day. We can't wait to watch it. 

PE- Dance 

PSHE- Working together


D Day Talk 


Mrs Macking came in to school to tell us all about the D Day Landings. She had just been to Normandy to take part in the different services and brought in her own personal knowledge. It was extremely interesting and the children asked interesting questions.  

History - Historical events 

Post Assessment Party 

The children had a well deserved party this afternoon. They have worked so hard with tehri assessments that we had a movie, party games and party food. Well done Class 1. 

Art - Collage

The children produced some fantastic collages in art. They built them up over a number of week, they were then evaluated them thinking about how to improve them further next time. 

Art - Collages

Mental Health Day - Yoga 

On Thursday 14th March, the children all took part in different activities related to mental health. These included learning about the characters in the film Inside Out, discussing different emotions and taking part in relaxing sessions such as yoga. 

PSED/ PSHE - Understanding emotions

PE- Yoga

Science - Maintaining health bodies and minds


The children in Reception have been reading Penguin written by Polly Dunbar, they have completed lots of amazing work in Drawing Club. They also discussed Penguins and where they lived, this led to the activity photographed below. The children explored the ice and how it moved easily across the smooth surface. They observed it as it started to melt and then explored about vibrations on the tray created different patterns. 

Understanding the World- Animals, Ice, Weather 

PSED- Working together & discussing 

Literacy- writing captions for pictures

World Book Day

This week, we celebrated World Book Day. It is always fun to dress up, but at St William's we celebrate books on a daily occurrence. Reading is promoted and celebrated with the children every single day.

In Nursery and Class 1, the children vote for their favourite book in the morning which is read to them just before lunch. We have a library that children can borrow books from on a weekly basis. We are in a fortunate position that one of our governors is a librarian and comes in weekly to share stories with the children.

All this is in addition to all the different lessons where we try and use a range of different stories. Guided reading sessions where we focus on a variety of texts and our home reading books.

The best bit of World Book Day is seeing the children share a story with a friend.

English - Reading 

PSHE/ PSED- Friendships


As we are not going to be in school for Pancake day, we decided that we would make our pancakes today. The children loved choosing their toppings. 

PSHE- Celebrating Shrove Tuesday

Maths- Weighing 

Chinese New Year 

It was lovely to celebrate Chinese New Year, albeit early. We tasted different Chinese food, made bookmarks with our names on, found out in which year we were born and coloured in different dragons. 

PSHE- Exploring different cultures

Science- Exploring foods 

PE sessions

This half term, we have been developing our skills of throwing, catching and batting. We have played lots of games including piggy in the middle, throw and catch, batting and balance the bean bag. We finished the session be batting our beanbags as far as possible. 

PE- Throwing and catching

Dance Festival 

The children made us so proud at the dance festival this week. They have practiced so hard and showed great confidence on the night at the world famous Tower Ballroom. Well done to all the dancers. 

PE- Dance

Fine Motor Skills

Over the year, I try and offer the children a range of fine motor activities to help them developed their skills associated with fine motor. This is just a range of activities that we have done this term. 


Robot Dances

The children listened to the song and then worked in their groups to create a Robot dance. I'm not sure anybody could program their Robot to move as fast as these children, but they had great fun performing and then completed some excellent writing about the dance. 

PSHE- Teamwork 

PE- Dance and movement 

English- Drama

English - Writing recounts


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Exploring our outdoor area

Our Science topic this term is all about trees, particularly focusing on coniferous and deciduous trees. The children enjoyed looking around the outdoor area and made some great scientific observations. 

Science - Trees 

RE- Creation - Thanking God

PSHE - keeping healthy

Snow day 

This morning, we woke up to snow! The excitement was definitely high in school, especially when we told them that we could go out to play in it. We got dressed in our snow gear and had a great time. Just look at the smiles 

PSHE- friendships

PSHE - teamwork

PE- throwing 


Yoga Wellbeing Session

The children were fortunate today to have a yoga session with Yogi company. It was a lovely, calm session where we completed lots of stretches and mini activities. 
PE- Yoga

PSHE- Wellbeing

Chicken Licken 

The reception children have been reading Chicken Licken this week. We talked about how the mean fox ate all the animals and how I hoped that a fox didn’t come to school. The children suggested we went outside to check; this turned into an excellent learning opportunity as the children were searching for clues, problem solving and then writing signs to keep the fox out. I love it when learning inspires the children. 

English - reading a traditional tale

English- Writing / creating signs 

Understanding the world- looking for clues / animals

PSED- teamwork and problem solving 

Science Enrichment 

We ended our week with another enrichment opportunity. This time it was Nurse Colette who gave up her day off to come and share her experience of being a nurse. She brought in a bag of resources and the children had a fantastic time bandaging, using the stethoscope, checking oxygen levels and identifying patients that had special requirements, e.g. allergies etc. As you can see you don't need to worry if you ever need medical intervention- the children are experts! 

Science/Understanding the World - Keeping healthy
Understanding the World- People who help us 
Maths- data handling 

History Enrichment 

Over the last half term, the children in Class 1 have been learning about the Great Fire of London. They discussed what the houses were made from in 1666 and how they were situated, and how this impacted on the spread of the fire. The children made their own houses and then Mrs Hogarth set fire to them to see how fire spreads. 

History- Great Fire of London

Design and Technology- Structures
PSHE- Fire Safety 

Fire Service Visit 

Thank you to Preesall Fire Service (Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service) for visiting Class 1 and Nursery today. It was a fantastic experience and we learnt lots. 

History - Great Fire of London comparison 

PSED/ PHSE- People who help us

English- speaking and listening


What a fantastic performance of The Big Little Nativity. The children were superstars!

RE- The Nativity
English- Speaking and Listening/ Drama

Advent Wreath Making

Thank you to Mrs Billington for coming into school this morning to create some beautiful Advent Wreaths. We talked about the symbols used in them and when and how they are used in the liturgical year. 

RE- Advent
PSHE- Community

What's in the Witch's Kitchen? 

Some of the children in Class 1 have been reading What's in the Witch's Kitchen; they have loved the gruesome items that have been found in the pot, the oven, the bowl and the washing machine etc. They then went outside and created something that could be found in the kitchen, we have bug soup, worm pie, leaf tea and lots of other delights. 

On Friday, when it came to our Literacy lesson, the children found rabbit droppings (raisins) all over their table. This caused quite a situation, but gave us an exciting writing opportunity. 

Literacy- Reading stories

Science- items in nature

Yoga Wellbeing Session 

The children in Monkey class had a lovely session with Amy from Yogi. They learnt the importance of relaxation and how we can relax our bodies using Yoga. 

PSHE - Relaxation 

P.E- Yoga

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

Today, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service came in to speak to Class 1 about fire safety and the role of the fire service. They learnt that it wasn't just about putting out fires and what some of their other tasks were. The children discussed how to get out of a burning building safely and how to check it is safe to go through doors by testing the heat of the handle. All the children could recall what to do if their clothes caught fire and could perform the 'Stop, Drop and Roll' procedure correctly. Some of the children reenacted a family in a house fire situation and how we should never enter a burning building, even if our pets are inside. 


Thank you to Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service for such an interactive and informative session.  

Active Mile (Day 2) 

Mr Cadwallader returned to school to look at the progress we have made with our running. The children are becoming more confident with their running style and are thinking carefully about the speed that they set off. The children are going to run for 10 minutes three times a week to improve their stamina. This will be tracked on a wall display in school. 

Visit to our local area

Today, Class 1 went on their first trip of the year around our local area. They used their maps to navigate to different places along the way. We discussed the purpose of different buildings and highlighted these on the map. We talked about what we could buy from each of the shops and how this is useful in a village. We were very fortunate to meet a local vet at Pilling Pet Shop who kindly allowed us to look and cuddle some 5 week old pups that are being hand reared. The children absolutely loved this experience! 

Along the way Year 2 led us in discussion about what the local historian told us last year about the changes in the area and also the jet crash on Bradshaw lane. 

Geography- Locality and map reading

History - the history of the local area

PSHE- Road safety 

PSHE- People who help us 

Sign of the Cross

The children in Reception have been trying hard to learn how to make the sign of the cross, we cut out a mini person so that the children could practice making the sign of the cross and saying the special words. Some of the children also made up their own prayer. 

RE- Praying


One of our lovely parishioners came to tell us how many beautiful butterflies were in the grounds behind the church. In true Class 1 fashion, we pulled on our coats and set off to have a look. The children were amazed to see how many butterflies were there. When we were very quiet, we could get very close to them and look at their markings. 

It was lovely to think that they may have been the ones that we released before the summer holidays. When asked, one of the Reception children told me that they are part of God's beautiful creation. 

RE - Creation

Science- Lifecycle 

Class 1 Scientists 

Meet the Class 1 Scientists. When we are learning about science, we wear our lab coats; this helps us to think like a scientist. The children will write on them at the end of each topic to help them remember what they have learnt. 

Science- Scientific thinking

Opening of the running track 
Today, Cat Smith came and opened the running track . It was great to see parents and governors supporting this event (and some running the mile with the children). Cat has spent the afternoon with the children discussing her role in parliament and the process in which an election takes place; this was informative and the children asked some interesting questions.

PSHE - Citizenship 

PE - Active Mile 


Our Real Life Letter 

As part of our English unit, we are reading the story of The Jolly Postman. Today, excitement hit our classroom as we had a letter delivered from the postman. The children loved receiving it and talked about it the rest of the day. Thank you to the very kind parent that sent it to us. 

English- Reading 

PSHE - Job roles 

Active Mile

Today, Mr Cadwallader came into school to discuss the importance of regular exercise. He discussed techniques to run and how we needed to pace ourselves. The children were amazing and ran for the full 10 minutes; many of the children completing 5 laps of more. Mr Cadwallader is coming back in 2 weeks time to review how many laps we have managed to complete and to see if we are feeling fitter. 

P.E - Staying active
PSHE- Impact of exercise on physical & mental health

Maths- Counting laps 
Geography- Using maps to find distances

Dough Disco 

The children are really enjoying their Dough Disco sessions every morning. These sessions will help to develop the muscles in the hands and arms of the children, which in turn, will help to develop fine motor skills and handwriting. All the sessions are linked to well known songs, so we have a good sing-along too. 

P.E - Fine motor skill development 

Music- Singing and dancing

Art- Printing 

The children in Class 1 enjoyed exploring colour and printing during their art session today. 

Art - Printing

First Day 

What an amazing first day we have had in Monkey Class. We have certainly hit the floor running! The children have been fantastic and I am so proud of the way that they came into school and straight to work. The children set their class rules this morning; they all contributed thinking about what they felt was important. Reception then explored the continuous provision whilst Year 1 and 2 excelled in their maths lesson. After break we had a mini assembly and then it was back to class for more learning. All the children completed work in their writing assessment books. 

This afternoon we have had a more relaxed afternoon getting to know each other and exploring our classroom areas. What a brilliant first day, I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!


Poetry - July 2023

To finish the school year, we have been studying a different poems about animals. We have learnt the poem 'Duck's Ditty', where we looked at new vocabulary such as bills, drakes, larder and undergrowth. Some of the children asked to be filmed reading the poem- this made me proud and showed how their confidence has grown. 

English - poems 

Speaking and listening


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Design & Technology - July 2023

Throughout the Summer Term, Class 1 have been investigating and making different moving mechanisms. They were tasked this week to create a beach scene with any, or all, of the following mechanisms - sliding, wheel mechanism or pivot and lever. Here is a selection of pictures that they made. 

Design & Technology- Moving mechanisms

Art- drawing landscapes

Science- Living things in their habitats

Life Education - July 2023

Today, Coram Life Education came in to talk to the children. They learnt all about the human body and how it works; they discussed how to keep it safe and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. They all enjoyed meeting Harold who helped them with their learning. 

Science - Human Body 

PSHE - Staying healthy 

Forest School- last session - July 2023

Today, the children had their final session of Forest School. They have thoroughly enjoyed all the sessions provided by Roots to Branches and Abby has been amazing! 

Today was all about building shelters, creating decorations, making tents and excellent team work. They made their camp fire and boiled the water for their sleepover. The children all enjoyed toasting marshmallows for the last time in the sessions. 

Design and Technology- Building shelters 

PSHE - Teamwork 

Art and Design- creating art using a range of materials

Pilling Jubilee Silver Band - July 2023

Thank you to Pilling Jubilee Silver Band for coming in to school and entertaining us this afternoon. We loved listening to the songs and learning about the instruments. The children asked some interesting questions and took a keen interest in how to join the band. 

Music- learning about instruments 

Knott End Trip - July 2023

The children in Monkey class  all enjoyed a action packed visit to Knott End today. We visited St Bernard Church which is part of our parish. It is truly beautiful and the children loved exploring the different images of scripture etched in the glass. We discussed the sacraments that take place and the importance of these to our faith.

We then met with two coastguards who had given up their time to tell us about their role. It was a very hands on experience with the children throwing throw ropes to save people, moving stretchers, looking at the amazing views in the look out towers and exploring the equipment in the vehicles. The children (and staff) were fascinated by some of the facts that were shared.

Our final destination was the beach. We identified different living things which is part of our Science curriculum. Class 1 collected shells and made artwork using them. We also tried to do some rock pooling looking for different species.

Science - Living things in their habitiat

RE- our local church and wider community

RE- Sacraments 
Art - nature artwork

Releasing the Butterflies - July 2023

Some of the nursery children joined Class 1 to release the butterflies. Although some children were very sad to release their new pets, they knew it was time for the butterflies to find a new habitat to live in. 

Science- Living things in their habitats
RE- Caring for God's creatures

Transition Morning 3 - July 2023

The children came in eager to learn. The 5 new starters did some colouring for the wall displays for their new classroom, took part in a phonics session and explored all areas of continuous provision. The current receptions helped them to find their way round. 

PSED/ PSHE - Transitions/ Welcoming new children 


The Day the Crayons Quit -June 2023

The children have been focusing on the book, 'The Day the Crayons Quit' this week. They loved acting out the story, pretending to be angry crayons and telling Mrs Hogarth what all the issues were. They have pretended to be Duncan and responded to all the angry letters that he received. An excellent week of English, I can't wait to see where next week takes us. 

English - Reading and responding to a book 

Speaking and listening 


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Drumming and Bells --June 2023

The children enjoyed their drumming and bells experience this week. They learnt how to keep the beat and to do a call and response. Fantastic listening skills Class 1. 

Music- playing an instrument 

Butterflies -June 2023

Over the last 2 weeks, Class 1 have been making observations of the caterpillars. They have been amazed at how the doubled in size every day and how they were able to hang in their chrysalides for so long. On Sunday, two of the caterpillars emerged, then the following three on Monday. The children were so excited to see them

Science- life cycles



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Forest Schools - 30th June 

An enjoyable, but wet session at the Forest School session today. The children have really developed the skill of creating good dens (it was definitely needed!). They are communicating really well, encouraging each other, sharing resources and learning about different aspects of nature each week. 

Science - Natural World/ Living things in their habitats

PSHE- Teamwork 

English - Communication and language


Sports Day -June 2023

A fantastic effort from all the children at Sports Day this week. Their behaviour was fantastic and the older children were so supportive towards the younger children

Caterpillars to Butterflies -June 2023

Throughout this half term we are going to be revisiting the life cycle of a butterfly. The children will be observing this life cycle on a daily basis as the caterpillars grow and change. We will discuss each stage with the children until our butterflies are ready to be released. 

Science - Living things

School Allotment 

We are starting to see the fruits of our labour. Our allotment has gone wild in this beautiful weather. The children are tending to it at lunch time and we have spotted strawberries, beans, peas, carrots and onions growing. 

Science- Plants and living things/ Healthy Eating 

PSHE- Teamwork and collaboration 

RE- God's Creation  

Forest School-June 2023

The children in Year 2 had the opportunity to have their forest school session. They learnt all about how to build a good shelter, how to make secure secure knots and most importantly how to work as part of a team. They played lots of games and learnt lots of information about nature. 

They can't wait for week 2! 

PSHE -Teamwork and Collaboration

Geography - Natural vs Manmade/ Conservation

English - Speaking and Listening 


Blackpool Zoo Trip- June 2023 

Class 1 had an amazing trip to the zoo today. We started with an educational talk about different habitats and the children had the opportunity to touch and explore an elephants tooth, parrot feathers, camel fur, a turtle shell and a snake skin. The children were fascinated by all the different objects. They also had the opportunity to touch a hissing cockroach- lots of children were really brave and did this willingly. 

We all enjoyed watching the sealions perform during the sealion talk, who knew that they were amazing gymnasts and could do a flipper stand! 

The Education Officer for Blackpool Zoo was amazing, very knowledgeable and gave talks about the penguins, giraffes, elephants and the lemurs. The children had the opportunity to hold a giraffe bone from the top part of a leg- it was bigger than some of our children! The lemurs were being very cheeky and the children loved watching them and asked some really good questions. One of the elephants started to rearrange the pen to try and get to the high nets, and, we even got to look at elephant poo- one of the 20 that elephants produce per day. 

That was all before we explored the different animals in their habitats. 

This has been a fantastic start to our Science topic and I can't wait for the children to develop their knowledge throughout the term. 

Clay Skills - May 2023

The children have been developing their skills associated with clay. They were asked to create a piece of fruit using the clay. I was very impressed with the outcomes. 

Forest Schools - Week 2- May 2023

This week the children have had a Coronation themed Forest Schools. So much fun was had making crowns, creating dens and hiding out in them before practicing how to welcome a true King. 

Coronation Celebration - May 2023
Today, we celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III. We invited families in to join in with a picnic and then showcased what we have been learning in class about the Coronation. 


PSED / PSHE - Community links
Understanding the World/ History - Monarchs

Forest Schools - May 2023

Throughout this term, some of the children in Class 1 will be taking part in Forest Schools sessions. They will be learning all about our environment, how to stay safe outdoors, how to light fires safely and taking consideration of the nature around them. They will also be linking different curriculum subjects into their sessions. 

Today, they created their own art gallery using a range of objects found in nature. The children were fascinated to find that dandelions create their own natural 'paint'. I was proud of the teamwork that I witnessed when the children were building their own shelters. 

Science- Plants and trees 

PSHE - Teamwork 

Communication and Language

DT- Building shelters

Planting and Growing - May 2023

The children examined different seeds and predicted what they may grow in to. They planted some of them in the greenhouse and some of them in our allotment beds. We are making observations numerous times a week to see which ones grow the best. It is our hope that we will be able to eat some of our produce at the end of it. 

Science- Growing

PSHE - Sustainability 

Explorers Artwork -April 2023

Over this last half term, the children have been learning about Explorers. This week, we have been studying Christopher Columbus. We talked about his ship, and then in art created a 3d picture based on the findings. The outcome was fantastic and they look really effective on the wall. 

History/ Understanding the World- Explorers 

Art/ Expressive Arts and Design- using different mediums 

Fire Safety Talk- April 2023

The children took part in a very interactive session led by the Fire and Rescue Service. They learnt about what to do in the event of a fire and how to stay safe. They practiced how to exit a room by getting close to the floor and how to test to see if there is a fire behind a closed door. The children could all tell me what to do if there clothing catches fire- Stop, Drop and Roll! 

PSHE - Fire Safety 


Healthy Heads- April 2023

Today, the children learnt all about how to be healthy, looking after our minds and bodies. The children completed some theory work in the classroom before exercising in the hall. 

PE / Physical Development - Staying healthy 

PSHE - Know how to have a healthy mind and body 

Science - Healthy diets

Zumba and Drumming -April 2023

The children in Class 1 had an amazing opportunity to take part in Zumba and Drumming. It was very energetic and smiles all around. Thank you to Mrs Woodhouse for leading the session. 

PE/ PD- Dance and movement 

Music/ Expressive Arts and Design- Tempo and Beat 

Learn to Ride 

The children in Class 1 have enjoyed a fantastic session with Go Velo learning to ride a bike. They all progressed rapidly over the sessions in the morning and in the afternoon. We now have lots of confident riders. 

P.E - Riding a bike with coordination

English - Listening skills 

PSHE - Road safety 

World Book Day 

The children enjoyed taking part in the World Book Day. The costumes were amazing and the children enjoyed telling each other about their favourite book. In Class 1, we innovated the story of the Man on the Moon, the stories are fantastic. 

English- Speaking and Listening 

English - Reading

Economic Wellbeing

The children enjoyed a visit from a financial advisor today. Mr Lang from Munny came to discuss the importance of budgeting, the difference between 'Needs' and 'Wants' and how we can save for the future using a 50/ 30/ 20 model. It was very interesting and we all learnt a lot about the importance of saving. 

PSHE- Economic Wellbeing


Art lesson 

Today, the children explored how to use oil pastels effectively. They had the task of copying the planets provided to them, thinking about the colours and how to build up the layers. The outcomes were great! 

Art- Using a range of materials effectively 

Ash Wednesday 

All the children in school received ashes on their forehead today. This is to remind us that the season of lent has started. The children have been talking about what this means in their RE lesson. 

RE- Ash Wednesday traditions / Lent

Shrove Tuesday 

The children made, cooked and ate pancakes as part of the tradition of Shrove Tuesday. It was lovely seeing them being independent and choosing their own toppings. 

PSHE- traditions in our culture/ sharing a meal 

DT - making food 

Science/UTW - Food 


Our Family Picnic

What a fantastic day we have had today. The children in Class 1 created a feast of a picnic! They chopped and created skewers of fruit, buttered bread and made the sandwiches, peeled and mashed the eggs, displayed the food and made all the delicious biscuits and cakes. The children were amazing at preparing this and showed exemplary behaviour during our picnic. It was lovely to see so many parents from school and nursery come and share in such a lovely event. Thank you for joining us. 

DT - Creating a picnic 

Science - Healthy foods

PSHE - Healthy foods & Communities
English- following recipes

Glow Dodgeball 

All the children in school today got to experience Glow Dodgeball. It was great fun and the children had clearly worked hard looking at their red faces at the end of the session. 

PE - Dodgeball + Teamwork


Safer Internet Day 

Today, the children in Class 1 have been learning about Internet Safety and what it means to be safe online. They talked about different aspects including who it is ok to talk to, and how Stranger Danger is still relevant, how we should always keep our passwords a secret, and most importantly, how we should always ask an adult if we are unsure about something. 

PSHE- Safer Internet Day
Computing- Being safe online 


Our PSHE lesson this week focused on how to manage feelings of frustration. The children were given 4 tasks, they had 2 minutes to complete each task. At the end of each task, they were asked to score their frustration levels out of 10- as you can see some of the children found some of the tasks very frustrating! 

The tasks included the following 

  • threading a needle 
  • building a house with magnets 
  • building the tallest tower (on a table that rocked) 
  • building a card pyramid.

PSHE- Managing feelings

Fine motor skills

Communication and Language- describing how it made them feel


Geography Enrichment 
What an exciting day we have had in Class 1 today. The children were fortunate to have Mr and Mrs Lindsay come in to discuss their jobs as pilots and air hostess. They talked about places that they had visited, showed the children where about they are on the globe and discussed the climates. 
Prior to their visit, they circled school a few times in a plane, swooped down low, flashed their lights and wiggled their wings. It was fantastic to see and the children asked lots of interesting questions about the plane. 

Geography- Equator, climates and travel 
Science - air resistance, speed 

Designing fruit kebabs

The children tried 15 different fruits in their design and technology lesson today. They had to decide on which ones they would like to use on a fruit kebab for an ideal picnic. Results were varied. 

D& T - food and safety with cutting 

Science / PSHE- promoting healthy food

Maths- creating tally charts


Making Biscuits 

During the design and technology lesson, the children enjoyed making biscuits. They talked about where the ingredients came from. We hope the children all enjoyed eating them. 

D + T - making picnic food

English - reading and following instructions

Maths- weight 


In PSHE, we have been talking about our health and well-being. We have thought about the different feelings and how these can be linked to colour monsters. This week, the children took an active part in a yoga session. They thoroughly enjoyed it! 

PSHE- Health and Wellbeing 

PE - Yoga, staying healthy 

English- listening and following instructions

Christmas Party 

It was lovely to see all the children having a fantastic time at the Christmas Party today. We played lots of party games, pass the parcel and an indoor snow ball fight. A deserved treat after such a busy term! 

PSHE: Friendship and Celebrations

Christmas Nativity

The children performed "It's a Baby" Nativity this year, telling us one of the most important stories ever told. For the children in Class 1 and Nursery, this was the first time that they have performed in front of an audience. They were all amazing, and all the staff were very proud of them. 

RE- Nativity story 

English: Speaking and listening / Drama

Music: Singing 

Christmas Grotto 

A Christmas Grotto has been set up in the outdoor provision. The children have all had chance to go in and pretend to be Father Christmas, leaving their own specific instructions about what they would like the children to do on Christmas Eve. 

English- Speaking and Listening/ Role Play


Today, the children learnt about the importance of a good handwashing technique. They used glitter to represent 'bugs' and then attempted to clean it off quickly- they soon realise that 5 seconds under a tap didn't work! 

Science & PSHE - Staying healthy

Wreath making 


Today, the children had the opportunity to make their own class Advent Wreaths. They all worked well together and talked about the symbolic objects that are placed on the wreath. Thank you to Mrs Billington for coming in and supporting the children. 

RE - Advent 

PSHE - Working collaboratively 

History of the local area 

Today, we had a visit from one of our governors who has an amazing knowledge of the history of the local area. The children loved listening to all that he shared. They asked interesting questions and told him about research that we have already done in class. 

Speaking and listening- asking relevant questions

History - History of the local area

Science Enrichment 

Class 1 were fortunate to have a visitor in school; she brought kittens of different ages and also chinchillas. The children discussed how the young were like their mothers and compared this to other animals that we have studied. We discussed the basic survival needs of the different animals and how humans have the same survival needs. 

Science: Animals including humans